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Friday, March 03, 2006

Why do people have to backstab people all the time? even when you didnt do anything wrong? Or at least you don't remember doing anything wrong? If you truly are a friend, why do you join in backstabbing your friends? Is it so difficult to stand up to defend your friend? Why is it so difficult to take a stand?
Whats up with backstabbers? Its so lame and cowardly. Just tell that person to their face. And why backstab a person by bi**hing to her friends as well? and if she considers them her friends, why do they agree and bitch as well? what kind of cowards are we producing?
When I make friends with a person (which is quite difficult) but when I do, I place absolute trust in them. So why would they want to betray this loyalty I have for them? and why is it so difficult to find a loyal friend who would do the same for you?
and why do people make things so complicated? why cant people just be friends? Just simple, innocent but true friendship?
If you dont like a person and you are capable of bitching about them behind their backs, why remain friends with them? Do you know how it hurts to find out? Wouldn't you rather have one true friend who would stand up for you unconditionally rather than a whole bunch of friends who will happilybetray you?
It hurts to know that friends of so many years can do this to you. that they would readily turn their backs on you just when one person backstabs you. It hurts to know that people would do this even when you have not done the same. it makes you see the truth in them: that they are cowardly and childish. Really, what kind of pleasure do they get out of this? Do they get paid? Does making your friends verbally betray you make them feel better than you? Does this prove that they are superior and more likeable? Because really, it doesn't.
It just leaves the other disappointed and brokenhearted. Disappointed that a person whom you have known for years turns out to be somebody whom you don't know at all. and broken hearted that they are capable of such stupidity and cruelty.

Yan ♥ 1:40 pm link to post 0 comments