Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Ave Bodies!
I’m so like bored and school’s so like boring.
Not really lah.
Its just SO routine. But the great thing is : I Get to sleep during my spares or practice my violin or read or do my homework that’s due later =P
Math class was cancelled today cause Mr .DICKman had to go for a thing (Thaipusam??) TWO SPARES IN A DAY!!!!!Grwr….I HATE STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its quite cool and stuff but there are just so many bloody steps! Maybe I should indulge myself in one of those 570 (750??) things that do everything for you. But I’ve always prided myself in not being in need of one. Choices. Choices.
Andrew (aussie boy living in Brunei/mekkah) will be celebrating his 18th this Friday on the Cricket Pitch!!! Haha apparently the WHOLE school is invited and he’s doing some carnival thing. How totally bizarre.
Sixth Form Entertains is this Saturday. SHOULD I GO????? But mummy’s having some guests over for somethingorother and I want to eat more oysters and abalone. Greedy Greedy..
I wore eyeliner to school today(inner eyelid)! And it like didn’t melt off! (yay for bobbi brown gel eyeliner)
Oh and I practically soaked myself in Red Delicious yesterday. I think my salsa partner was suffocating. Or maybe not because it was the end of the day. Anyway he smelt of the Creed thing. Too musky if you ask me. I wonder what happens if I wear both red delicious and be delicious in one go…….might experiment one day.
MUFI day’s on Friday and the theme’s MIX & MATCH.
What do we even wear???????? Our original theme was cross dressing, then it became PJ’s and now they make it officially MIX & bloody MATCH. They don’t even elaborate much, just saying that this is to help flood victims in johor. Gee thanks.
Quite a few kids are from Johor so I asked them to just raise funds for themselves. Might come in handy when they’re shopping for stuff during prom.I think our lit class is going to see a play this week or next week. I cant wait! Apparently its in some OLD hotel and different scenes are done in different rooms and the audience go in in two’s or threes and the thing is acted out. Pretty cool. Miss Carol is deciding between that or waiting for some thing at actor’s studio.Havent signed up for compulsory sport yet. I hope Mr.Kwok wont come and yell at me (highly embarrassing). I was thinking, maybe I should play hockey. Or cricket. Or something. Anyway, KTJ is this really weird school where sport is taken MEGA seriously and is like MANDATORY whereas ECA’s are optional. TOTALLY reverse situation in wms. Anyway so far I’ve joined two ECA’s but nil sports. Whoopsy daisies.
Got to go to do nothing. Very important. See you all soon. Adsum.
BTW the supply and demand stuff is really like fun and easy. I just hate all the jargon and how it gets in my way. Apparently if the price of Cendol goes down the demand for ice kacang decreases so the equilibrium’s like lower so there’s consumer surplus or something. Half my class didn’t know what ice kacang and cendol are so we had to tell them that it’s a delicacy made of smashed ice and slosh.
Then Anissa boldly gets up and asks my teacher (Puan Sharifah)
Lol . INSTANT Glares from all the BM-ers in class and sniggers from the non BM-ers.
But really, my teacher’s really lame and gives really lame examples (eg cendol &ice kacang)
Yan â¥
10:15 am
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